An Insight Into Our Wide Range of Services
You might be wondering what it is that a Speech Language Pathologist can help you with. A Speech Language Pathologist is a trained professional that can help identify and treat speech and language difficulties.
Speech Language Pathologists can assist with the following:
Speech - making the sounds of your language
Expressive Language - using grammar appropriately, word finding, vocabulary
Receptive Language - concepts, following directions, understanding spoken language
Dysfluency - also known as stuttering
Social Communication - turn taking, joint attention, conversation
Language Based Learning Difficulties - reading, writing, class participation
Voice - quality, identifying misuse, pitch and volume
Feeding and Swallowing - safety concerns, texture modification
Cognitive Communication - attending, remembering information, staying on topic

A Speech Language Pathologist is a regulated health professional. You can find a list of Speech Language Pathologists in Ontario, here.