Fees for service are paid to Marks Speech and Language by the client. Payment can be made by e-transfer, cheque, or cash. An invoice is provided for every session for insurance and/or tax purposes.
Speech-language assessment and treatment services are covered by most health benefits. Check with your provider to see if you require a doctor referral (most company's do not require this - but it's best to check!). Every policy is different so refer to your policy for your family’s coverage amount and your insurer’s procedures for reimbursement.
Don't have health benefits? Speech-language assessment and treatment services paid out of pocket can be claimed as a medical expense for a given tax year.
For when you need some help to cover the cost
Assistance to Children with Severe Disabilities (ACSD), Ministry of Children, Community and Social Services
The Assistance to Children with Severe Disabilities Program helps parents with some of the extra costs of caring for a child who has a severe disability. Parents can get between $25 and $500 a month to help with costs such as travel to medical appointments, parental relief, special shoes and clothes, wheelchairs and other assistive devices, hearing aids and batteries, dental and vision care, as well as prescription drugs.
A parent or a legal guardian whose child is under 18 years of age, lives at home, and has a severe disability may be eligible.
How to Apply:
Contact your regional office and ask them for an application form.
Complete the application form and return it to the regional office along with any documentation required.
A Special Agreements Officer will review your application and will contact you if they need more information.
You will receive a letter saying whether or not you qualify for a grant and, if so, how much you will receive.
Special Services at Home Program (SSAH), Ministry of Children, Community and Social Services
The Special Services at Home program helps families who are caring for a child with a developmental or physical disability. The program helps families pay for special services in or outside the family home as long as the child is not receiving support from a residential program.
live in Ontario; and
need more support than most families can provide; and
are living at home with their family, or
if they are not living at home with their family and are not being helped by other residential services
How to apply:
Download and complete an application form.
Attach a medical statement of psychological assessment to your application. You should describe the disability and explain why you need the services and how much it will cost.
Mail the completed application form and the medical assessment to your nearest regional office.
For more information, click here.
Children's Respite Flexible Funding - Kerry's Place
The Children's Respite Flexible Funding is from the Ministry of Children, Community and Social Services to serve as an enhancement for families to access respite services in their community. Families can only apply for these funds once a year (between January and mid February) and there is no guarantee of the availability of these funds in future years.
The purpose of the Children's Respite Flexible Fund is to help caregivers get the flexible and individualized support their family needs in order for them to take intervals of time off from their care-giving duties.
The Children's Respite Flexible Funding application will be made available online starting January 1st of each year.
Children that are up to the age of 18 years
Children must have an official diagnosis of Pervasive Developmental Disorder, including an Autism Spectrum Disorder, Asperger's Syndrome, Rett's Syndrome, Childhood Disintegrative Disorder, and Pervasive Developmental Disorder Not Otherwise Specific (proof of diagnosis is required)
Children must live in York Region, Simcoe County, Durham Region and Haliburton, Kawartha & Pine Ridge
Ontario Works Health Benefits
If you are receiving Ontario Works, you may be eligible for certain health-related benefits, including coverage for assistive devices. Assistive devices can include both hearing aids and speech devices. Ontario Works may also help you with the cost of an assessment for an assistive device. For more information and to find out what is available to you, please contact your Ontario Works office.
Ontario Disability Support Program
If you have a disability and need help with your living expenses, you maybe eligible for the Ontario Disability Support Program (ODSP). ODSP offers:
Financial assistance to help you and your family with essential living expenses;
Benefits, for you and your family, including prescription drugs and vision care;
Help funding and keeping a job, and advancing your career.
ODSP offers two types of support: income support and employment supports. Each type of support has its own eligibility requirements and
application process.
Disability Tax Credit
Tax credits and deductions are available for individuals with disabilities or their caregivers. For information about the Disability Tax Credit, whether or not you are eligible, and how to apply, click here!
Jennifer Ashleigh Children's Charity
Child with physical disability, severe medical issue that cannot be controlled by medication and disrupts the life of the child and family, or mental health disorder;
Family income $65,000 or less;
Must be a Canadian citizen and/or have permanent resident status in Ontario.
March of Dimes Aphasia and Communication Disabilities Program
-Aphasia Services
-Stroke / Acquired Brain Injury Services
-Assistive Devices Program
Children First provides individualized services to families with children up to six years of age, who are at risk for or experiencing mental health challenges or developmental concerns. Services are voluntary and at no cost to the family. Services are available in English and French. Translation services may be accessed as required.
For the Love of a Child
For The Love of A Child is a charitable organization helping kids in Durham Region, Ontario, dedicated to improving the lives of children with special needs and their families. For the Love of A Child helps bridge the gap between government funding and private insurance, as many items are not fully covered and can be very costly. They contribute to the costs of various services and equipment, including:
Assistive Devices not fully covered by ADP or private insurance;
Education, conferences, seminars, and courses pertaining to a child’s special needs;
Equipment such as: Specialized Seating – Bath, Car, Feeding Chairs, and Mobility Devices;
Recreation & Leisure for therapeutic use;Day Camps
Royal Canadian Legion
Its primary purpose to provide access to computer technology and health information for the benefit of veterans and other clients. This will provide individuals with opportunities to maintain and improve their health and wellness. Legion branches, being widely dispersed throughout Ontario, are ideal locations to build supportive environments that encourage healthy lifestyles.